
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2020

Software cratfsmanship

Listening to the podcast seemed quite interesting to me because it touches different points that are important for software development. Like everything, following good programming practices will always help keep the code in good condition. In addition, the methodologies also help not only to have the code in good condition, they also improve the performance of the application and its quality. Ever since I started working as a software developer and as a computer systems engineering student, I have constantly wondered how I could ensure the quality of my software. Because I work in a startup, all the code is developed by me and consequently I have to keep myself up to date on the techniques they used to better understand it and so that someone else is also able to understand it at their time. Clearly the idea is a bit hasty, but it allows me to see in what ways I could start to grow as a student and as a developer. As Bob Martin mentions, what is sought when following certain work

Hidden figures

Through history, society has been involved in different racial problems. As humanity it is normal for us to feel insecure when faced with aspects that are different from ours. The problem arises when we are unable to establish communication to know a little of how things are. A great example happens in the Hidden Figures movie. This film tells the story of three women who stood out for their talent and knowledge at NASA.   They had to be exposed to different social problems since, at that time, black communities were segregated in the United States. However, for them it was not sufficient reason to demonstrate the mettle they had. They were smart enough to overcome situations by successfully accomplishing each of their purposes. On the other hand, regardless of their constant struggles against an apathetic and degrading society, they demonstrated the great intellectual power they had in terms of mathematical calculations, comprehension, computation and efficiency. Each of

Is design dead?

After reading this paper (Is design dead?), I remembered when I took my course on Software Quality. The professor of this class always said us it was important to plan and design to create a robust software project. As the author and my professor told us, the cost of the changes increases as soon as we continue with the other project phases so we should be careful with our planning and design. Personally, I was not familiar with planning or design, I thought that making software only involved programming and logical thought. However, this is the main reason why many projects fail, cost so much money or are uncompleted. It is quite possible that as a junior developer you think that design isn't necessary and the only important thing is programming. On other hand, at that time, I was working as an intern in IBM. I wasn't involved in the important stuff as their cloud or something like that. I only worked for a little section of sales. Our main target as software development te

Who needs and architect?

While I was reading this article I thought that being a software architect involves different approaches. Software architecture is more than only a title or topic. We need to comprehend the components, the language, the purpose and the user needs through our knowledge and experience, only in this way can we be able to construct the desired architecture. It could be a complicate task because this includes having an abstract overview of the project but it is totally necessary to specify the aim and make the correct architecture. A software architect needs to improve in accordance to the software progress. Therefore, the perceptions and meanings that one can have about software architecture should be enhanced.  I thought the word architecture was taken in software because it tries to emulate the common meaning that we have about architecture. However, to be honest, I had never understood why we call it software architecture until I read that the shared understanding about system desig