Is design dead?

After reading this paper (Is design dead?), I remembered when I took my course on Software Quality. The professor of this class always said us it was important to plan and design to create a robust software project. As the author and my professor told us, the cost of the changes increases as soon as we continue with the other project phases so we should be careful with our planning and design. Personally, I was not familiar with planning or design, I thought that making software only involved programming and logical thought. However, this is the main reason why many projects fail, cost so much money or are uncompleted. It is quite possible that as a junior developer you think that design isn't necessary and the only important thing is programming.

On other hand, at that time, I was working as an intern in IBM. I wasn't involved in the important stuff as their cloud or something like that. I only worked for a little section of sales. Our main target as software development team was to build a complete platform where the sellers could automatize some processes and share between their information about their successful cases. Actually, I was really excited because it was my first job in making an important web application to many people. But not all was happiness, unfortunately, the code was a mess. The first member of the team, which began to build all the necessary software environment to run the web application was a simple intern as me, and his experience as software developer, architect or whatever was minimum. So, simply, the application was built as they understood skipping the planning and design.

Even so, I think the main problem wasn't the developers, maybe the major part of the responsibility was from the managers. They had little a background of technical stuff because they had studied IT in the college years ago, but not the necessary to build a complex web app as nowadays. As Fowler mentions, evolution is important for everything and mainly in software projects in which the technology is changing day after day.

Currently, I'm still working as web developer. Sincerely, I don't like web development so much but I think that it's a good approach to exploit my abilities as developer and as student of computational systems. I believe that I still have a long way to go, but I continue learning and seizing all the advice that my professors give me.

Fowler, M. (2004, May). Is Design Dead? Retrieved from

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