Who needs and architect?

While I was reading this article I thought that being a software architect involves different approaches. Software architecture is more than only a title or topic. We need to comprehend the components, the language, the purpose and the user needs through our knowledge and experience, only in this way can we be able to construct the desired architecture. It could be a complicate task because this includes having an abstract overview of the project but it is totally necessary to specify the aim and make the correct architecture.

A software architect needs to improve in accordance to the software progress. Therefore, the perceptions and meanings that one can have about software architecture should be enhanced.  I thought the word architecture was taken in software because it tries to emulate the common meaning that we have about architecture. However, to be honest, I had never understood why we call it software architecture until I read that the shared understanding about system design is what we can call architecture

The two titles that the article uses about the major challenges that an architect should execute are fairly interesting. Like the author said we can have an Architectus Reloadus and an Architectus Oryzus. This is a funny way of identifying the main tasks that an architect makes. Both titles are equally important because these describe how an architects try to solve their own problems. Basically, both topics talk about decision problems. As ever, a person who leads a team, like an architect, becomes aware of  the problems he/she should solve while they remain small because if the problems turn bigger, it is likely that they are difficult to resolve.

Finally, having a concrete meaning about a software architect and software architecture is a little bit difficult. Each person has their own meaning about what does being an architect or software architecture mean. Perhaps, the main option that we can have is critical thought. Only in this way would we be able to accept and debate any argument that someone has about software architecture.

Fowler, M. (2003, August). Who Needs an Architect? Retrieved March 1, 2020, from https://martinfowler.com/ieeeSoftware/whoNeedsArchitect.pdf

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