
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2020

The 4+1 View Model

I think the connection between the five blind programmer and the 4 + 1 models is that each programmer represented one part of this models. In other words,  each blind programmer described the beast from one point of view. While one programmer described it from a logical approach, other programmer described it from a development approach. The moral of this story is that each person look at the problem from your own point of view and immediately we put away the opinion of others. However, we can build a proper systems if we take this five points of view. For example, we try to suit each opinion in one of the 4 + 1 views. If the view describes the system as an objects model or it represents a set of abstractions then it could be a logical view because it shows the parts that comprise the system and their interaction and focuses in classes and objects. With this in mind so we can represent  other part of the 4 + 1 model. Process view shows any communication between the system process

Understading the SOLID principles

In this blog we will talk about five important principles that allows us to implement a object oriented programming in a better way. By following these five simple rules it is likely that our software does not have a large number of errors or that a new implementation breaks our system. Single responsibility principle  It principle talks about that a class should have exactly one responsibility. Other way to understand this is that a single responsibility refers to a group of related business group that we need to break down in its constituent parts so each part  will be designated as a responsibility. Open/closed principle This principle respect the fact of each class or function should be open for extension but close for modification. In other word, we should create a new class to add new behavior instead add this new behavior over the base class that we are inherited.  Liskov substitution principle   The Liskov substitution principles try to keep working relationship betwe


In this article we read about microservices and its structure. Currently. microservices is an architecture highly used for many enterprises because it can be adapted in different context. For example, the microservice architecture can be written in different programming languages and used different data storage technologies. This behavior allow us to create little components that generate a complete platform. The microservice architecture have been comparable to the monolithic style. Both can be implemented as a single unit with three essential structures. Client-side. Shows all the views that generally consist of HTML and JS running in the browser (user interface).  Database. Server-side application which is a monolith-single logical executable. The parts that the server handles are:  HTTP request. Domain logic. Updates and retrieves data from DB. Select and populate HTML views.  However the microservice architecture changes in some particular aspect. While the monoli